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embodied, soul-based, and
heart-led healing

holistic therapy & healing arts

Welcome, Beautiful Soul

It's time to remember your true nature,
to live from the heart,
to learn how to listen to the wisdom of your body,
to feel liberated from the burdens of the past,
to reunite all parts of you back into wholeness,
and to reclaim your life as yours to live.



Is this you?

You're feeling disconnected from your body, intuition, and truth
You say yes when you want to say no, and no when you want to say yes
You are stuck in the same cycles and patterns, but don't know how to get out
Self-doubt and self-criticism are wreaking havoc in your work, relationships, and life 
Anxiety, irritability, shut down, shame, and disconnection feel all too familiar
Your body is speaking to you through somatic symptoms: sudden, unexplained, or chronic health problems, illness, pain, and/or dis-ease
You struggle with voicing your thoughts, feeling, wants, and needs
Your life feels unfulfilling and out of alignment, but you feel stuck and unsure of how to move forward
You feel like there must be more to life then how you've been living and are ready to commit to your own deep transformation

Grainy Surface

It's time to heal your relationship
with your Self

Meet your guide

Welcome. I’m so glad you’re here -

I’m Candice, a somatic and soul-based therapist and healer. Most importantly, I’m a fellow soul navigating the human experience alongside you.


I understand what it feels like to be stuck on your healing journey, at a crossroads, or to find yourself in the depths of a dark night of the soul. It’s painful to realize how disconnected you’ve become from your Self.

You’ve spent so much time focused on external validation, meeting others' needs, being "good" and "nice", and wanting to achieve society's idea of success. Now, despite having what you thought you wanted, something feels off. There’s an emptiness, a sense of dissatisfaction, dis-ease, a part of you is questioning things, a sense that something isn't quite right. You’ve sacrificed your authenticity, your body, your health, your dreams, your intuition, your creativity, your wildness, and your power.

I know you. I see you. You are a cycle-breaker. A strong, sensitive, and courageous soul who has decided "this ends with me." You are done with having unhealthy relationships with yourself, others, and the world. You are here to end the legacy of trauma.

We end these cycles by healing from the root cause and actively taking steps forward to create a fulfilling life. Together we will co-create deep self-discovery through a variety of methods - somatic/body-based approaches, parts work (i.e. inner child, shadow work), nervous system care, energy & frequency healing, hypnotherapy, and more.

Image by Agata Create

Work with me 1-1 in a healing container

Personalized and potent individual support
Multi-modality holistic healing
For those seeking intimate, in-depth support to go deeper


Womb Healing & Activation Ceremony
Womb Healing & Activation Ceremony
Date & Time
Oct 24, 2024, 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. PDT

How does this sound?

Living an embodied existence that honours the full spectrum of human emotions
A clear connection to your authentic YES and NO
Renewed self-confidence, self-worth, and self-trust
Healthier and happier relationships with yourself and others
Spending more of your days feeling grounded, calm, connected., creative, and alive
Returning to physical health and harmony
Confidently voicing your thoughts, feelings, wants, and needs
Understanding your boundaries and upholding them with honour
A stronger connection to your intuition and inner wisdom

"Sometimes I wake up and have to remind myself:

There is nothing wrong with me.

I have patterns to unlearn, new behaviours to embody and wounds to heal.

But there is nothing wrong with the core of me and who I am.

I am unlearning generations of harm and remembering love. It takes time.”


-Yolo Akili

Image by Hans Isaacson

Are you ready for deeper healing? 

Image by Martin Péchy

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